I've been on the hackathon circuit
again and this last hack event was very interesting because it was a
high school hack event . This event is called HackBCA
(http://hackbca.com) which was
organized and managed by students. While at HackBCA I served as a
mentor assisting the hackers and their teams answering questions &
providing general problem resolution. It was great collaborating and
socializing with the hacker youth. There were some really smart,
edgy & innovative high-schoolers at this hackathon. I was really
impressed with their level of technical knowledge and experience. I
felt that some of these hackers skills & experience where
definitely at an advance level.
I'm all about building communities and
I'm fully aware of the factors that contribute to the inherent divide
but I believe that a mutual respect and dare I say... trust can be
forged. I've always been interested in engaging the Law Enforcement
community in mentoring future hackers. I see no reason why a young
hacker couldn't be mentored by a “cyber” cop or an actual FBI
agent. Imagine the positive impact that these Law Enforcement
mentors could have on the lives and decisions of the young hackers.
The amount of useful & relevant knowledge bestowed by mentors
would effectively educate the young hackers on relevant cyber
principles & laws while imparting a sense of ethics. Teach them
how to hack & show them how to hack responsibly... whatever that
means :-) . Show them why & how assets are exploited. Make it
about the science of computers /technology and not solely a lesson in
right or wrong.
As veteran hackathon mentor I've been inspired for quite some time now to organize a Hack event that facilitates cyber Law Enforcement officials serving as mentors to young hackers. Where cops and hackers can hack on cool projects side by side and build next gen technologies together. So if you're a hacker, technologist, cop, federal agent or all of the above post your thoughts & comments or better yet get involved and organize an LE / Hacker event of your own in your town.
At this hackathon I overheard some
conversations regarding cracking servers and other assets amongst the
hackers. Now most of the conversations were jokes & banter but
they got me thinking about overall cyber ethics and who or what is
influencing these young hackers. Are they developing ethics while
honing their skills? Do they realize the consequences or impact of
their choices & actions? I'm sure most of them have thought of
the consequences and can justify their actions based on their ethical
perspectives but the question still remains - Are their actions
legal? Who is educating the youth on the governing cyber &
technology laws?
I've actually been giving these
questions lots of thought. There has always been a huge divide
between the hacker & Law Enforcement communities. Why the
divide? These two groups often share the same ethics and morals.
Take child pornography as an example, law enforcement & hacker
groups make it their mission to take these sites down via cyber
attacks or straight up crime fighting. In this regard these groups
share the same ethics and mission. One side maintains a vigilante
perspective and the other sanctioned & backed by the courts.

As veteran hackathon mentor I've been inspired for quite some time now to organize a Hack event that facilitates cyber Law Enforcement officials serving as mentors to young hackers. Where cops and hackers can hack on cool projects side by side and build next gen technologies together. So if you're a hacker, technologist, cop, federal agent or all of the above post your thoughts & comments or better yet get involved and organize an LE / Hacker event of your own in your town.
I've already got the ball rolling on a
local LE / Hacker event and I will post my progress in this blog.
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